Erzählkunst e.V. – The association for the promotion of free oral storytelling
The ancient art of free oral storytelling is experiencing a worldwide renaissance in the age of digitisation and migration. In Germany Erzählkunst e.V. promotes this form of art: The association trains professional storytellers, runs a monthly open storytelling stage, and initiates international and bilingual storytelling projects in art and education.
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We are many – each and every one of us

“Die Vielen” (the many) is an alliance of cultural institutions and artists clearly against right-wing radicalism and racism. It stands for democracy, diversity and solidarity.
Erzählkunst e.V. has signed the Berlin Declaration of the Many.
To the stop in Hanau, birthplace of the Brothers Grimm

At the general meeting on 5.3.2020, the association Erzählkunst E.V. adopted a statement on the racist attack in Hanau, the birthplace of the Brothers Grimm. The German fairy tale collectors were courageous fighters for human rights, freedom and cosmopolitanism. The storytellers of the association Erzählkunst e.V. are committed to the legacy of the Brothers Grimm.
The association Erzählkunst e.V.
Founded in Berlin in 2007, the Erzählkunst association since promotes artistic storytelling in art and education. Over 50 German-speaking storytellers and supporters from 15 nations are organised in the association.
Erzählkunst e.V. is characterised as contemporary, as well as historically, socially and politically aware: Transcultural, multilingual, traditional, auto – and biographical, historical and fictional.
It’s story time!
With the Open Storytelling Stage, the association organizes a monthly storytelling event in Berlin since 2007. Act one: the stage is open to everyone and anyone by lottery, who wants to tell a story – whether traditional, self-experienced or self-invented. Act two: the Special guest, a renowned storyteller from the national and international storytelling scene, keeps the audience spellbound. As the first regular storytelling event of its kind in Germany, Erzählbühne e.V. has been awarded the label “European Year of Cultural Heritage” by the EU. Link: have a look at the events of Erzählbühne
Erzählkunst e.V. association is constantly conquering and looking for new venues; in Berlin, Leipzig and Dresden amongst other cities, artistic storytelling can now be experienced in large and small theatres, museums and literature and of course schools!
Please feel free to contact us! info@erzaehlkunst.com
Training and further education
The association offers basic skill qualification courses in the art of storytelling. The participants can acquire storytelling techniques and jointly explore fairy tales and myths from all over the world, highlighted by first stage experiences at the end of the course. zu den Erzählkursen
For advanced storytellers the association offers workshops with renowned national and international storytelling teachers. to the workshop
Narrative projects in art and education
Erzählkunst e.V. initiates storytelling projects in art and education, for children and adults, on large theatre stages and in small neighbourhood centres. In educational work with children, our focus is on transcultural storytelling: in daycare centres, schools and refugee shelters, our storytelling projects explicitly aim to help children with a migration background in particular to encourage language acquisition. zu den Bildungsprojekten
The Board of the Erzählkunst e.V. Association
Sven Tjaben (Vorsitzender), Nicola Knappe, Naemi Schmidt-Lauber, Janine Schweiger
Download the statues of the association (available only in German)
You want to become a member?
Write to us! We will gladly send you a membership application form.
You want to support Erzählkunst e.V.?
We are committed to ensuring that high-quality storytelling projects are implemented for all – young and old alike – and that internationally renowned artists can perform and open minds and hearts. If you would like to support our work, we would be very grateful for your donation.
Account of the association Erzählkunst e.V.:
Berliner Sparkasse, IBAN: DE63 1005 0000 0190 7263 34
Keyword: Erzählkunst EV We will gladly issue a donation receipt!