Basic Course & Advanced Course
A team of experienced professional storytellers and educators with a background in acting, storytelling, theatre, voice and movement pedagogy and science lead the training. Throughout the course, Soogi Kang accompanies and supports the course participants as a contact person from the teaching team.

Soogi Kang:
born in South Korea, has lived in Berlin since 1985. She is on the road as a theatre pedagogue, storyteller and lecturer at nationwide storytelling theatre events, with workshops and projects under the umbrella of cultural education. She is an actress, storyteller and systemic teaching and master coach.

Silvia Freund:
Narrator from Austria, studied acting, singing, Romance studies, German studies (M.A.) in Innsbruck. Theatre education at the UdK Berlin. Since 2008 in the project “ErzählZeit” at schools and day-care centres. Musical literature programmes for children in German-speaking countries – organised through the reading agency Eventilator. As a lecturer, she leads courses in Germany and abroad.

Christine Lander:
Narrator, theatre pedagogue (MA, UdK Berlin), M.A. in history and South Asian studies. Since 2006 own narrative stage programmes. Teaching assignments for free storytelling at the Goethe-Institut, at the UdK Berlin and at the Staatsschauspiel Hannover.

Dietmar Lenz:
Director, movement director, acting teacher, lecturer for voice+movement, Tai Chi+Acting, dramaturge.
Studied comparative literature, acting at École Philippe Gaulier, École Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq, Grotowski acting work and Roy Hart voice training with Vladimir Rodzianko.

Maria Carmela Marinelli:
Narrator and theatre pedagogue M.A. She studied German studies abroad in Jena and Mag. translation in Bologna. Teaching assignments for “Language and Narrative Plays in Foreign Language Teaching” and “Narrative and Multilingualism” at the universities in Jena, Leipzig, Halle and at the Academy for Cultural Education in Remscheid. Initiator of the open storytelling stage in Leipzig and co-founder of ERZÄHLRAUM e.V. in Saxony.

Rajyashree Ramesh:
Born in India, lives in Berlin since 1977. Dancer, choreographer, teacher, Laban movement analyst (CLMA), holistic fascia trainer and movement researcher. Her cross-cultural teaching of classical Indian dance led her to research human movement and a doctorate on the relationship between movement, cognition and emotion. She currently offers numerous courses and a transcultural movement study programme at the Global Music Academy Berlin.

Selma Scheele:
studied theatre education and storytelling at the University of the Arts in Berlin. In addition, she completed further training in applied storytelling and story invention at the Academy for Cultural Education in Remscheid. As a seminar leader and storytelling artist, she has been working in daycare centres, schools, libraries, on stages and at festivals since 2011. She also tells stories bilingually in her two family languages, German and Turkish.

Kristin Wardetzky:
Professor of Theatre Education at the UdK Berlin until 2007. Her focus in teaching and research: narrative. Initiator of the projects ‘Sprachlos?’, ‘ErzählZeit’, the further education course ‘Künstlerisches Erzählen’ at the UdK Berlin; numerous publications on children’s theatre, storytelling, fairy tales and myths.

Suse Weisse:
Storyteller, theatre pedagogue, psychologist. Has been working nationally and internationally as a storyteller and in education and training for many years. Among others, for the Goethe Institute and the UdK Berlin. Since 2015 artistic collaborator at the University of Applied Sciences Clara Hoffbauer Potsdam in the study programme “Language Pedagogy and Narrative Arts in Social Work”. In 2010, she founded the ErzählWerk in Potsdam, with which she has since realised socio-cultural projects and international narrative festivals (verbale!)