Foto Giovanna Conforto
Vor langer, langer Zeit – bevor Königin Corona regierte – fand die Erzählbühne in der Kulturmarkthalle statt. Die Menschen kamen zusammen, um auf einer offenen Bühne Geschichten aus dem Publikum zu lauschen, und um dann schließlich von eine*m renommierten Storyteller*in Erzählkunst vom Feinsten präsentiert zu bekommen.
Jetzt, wo die Macht von Königin Corona schwindet, kündigen wir frohen Mutes an: WILLKOMMEN ZURÜCK IN DER KULTURMARKTHALLE! ABER weil es so schön war, Menschen aus ganz Deutschland und aus aller Welt zu vereinen, haben wir uns gedacht: Warum eigentlich nicht beides?
Diesen Juni haben wir das Vergnügen Giovanna Confortos Tasty Italian Stories sowohl live und in Person in der KMH zu genießen als auch auf der eigenen Couch.
Once upon a time – before Queen Corona reigned these lands – the Storytelling Night Erzählbühne took place in the Kulturmarkthalle in Berlin. People came together to listen to stories from the audience on an open stage, and then to enjoy a renowned artists presenting storytelling at its best.
Well, now that Queen Corona’s power is diminishing, we happily announce: WELCOME BACK in the Kulturmarkthalle. BUT since it was so wonderful to unite people from all over Germany and all over the world, we thought: Why can’t we do both?
So, this June we get to enjoy Giovanna Conforto and her Tasty Italian Stories both on site and in person at the Kulturmarkthalle AND at home on our own Couch.
Tasty Italian Stories
depicts the relationship between stories, songs and food in the Italian tradition. Anecdotes, rhymes, fairy tales, dramas, tragedies, legends and songs: many great stories are intertwined with the act of eating. From remote history to more recent events, the stories, including a famous novella by Boccaccio freely adapted from the Decameron, will highlight the beauty and importance of food.
We will learn about Italy’s most famous dish: La Pizza! With other light-hearted stories, anecdotes and curiosities… to enjoy and to savour, each leaving a delightful and lingering taste.
This performance will be mostly in English. The Open Stage afterwards will be in both languages, but mainly German.
Giovanna Conforto
is an Italian storyteller and published author. She is the creative director of the Italian Storytelling Center and teacher at the School of Storytelling, Emerson College (UK). She has participated in events and festivals all over Europe, North America and Asia.
Among her collaborations, the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, the Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok and the Global Science Opera.
More about Giovanna:
Get tickets HERE, but please read the following information.
We can only host up to 50 people in the KulturMarktHalle. If you want to be there live and in person, please choose the additional option “Sitzplatz / Seats” when buying the tickets on Eventbrite. This way we know how many people are coming and avoid anyone showing up in vain. If you are not in Berlin and want to joing the Zoom-Event, go ahead and buy the ticket without the additional option and the link for the event will be sent to you in the confirmation mail. If you have any questions or doubts, please write to us. We know this stuff can be complicated.