© Foto: Micheal Reidy
05.11.2022, 20 Uhr
Clare Murphy
UdK Berlin, Bundesallee 1-12, 10719 Berlin, Probensaal, Erdgeschoss 

Die Erzählkünstlerin Clare Murphy entführt in ihrer Erzählperformance: Inisfáil: „Ancient Irish Myth“ ihr Publikum in die sagenhaften Landschaften irischer Mythen: „where Gods in golden halls drink from the cow of plenty, Kings are healed by children, fathers vie with sons and lusty monsters spit in the face of the prophets…“.

When the ancient Irish gods stepped onto the soil of Ireland, they burned their boats so they could never leave… This contemporary performance of the Irish myths of invasion is tautly laced with wit and verve.

Dublin born storyteller Clare Murphy has told stories worldwide since 2006. She has performed in more than 20 countries to audiences of up to 5000 people. Her work ranges from science-stories like UniVerse to socio-political pieces like The King of Lies to her beloved Irish mythology. She has had the honour of performing for President Mary Robinson as well as at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. She teaches, trains and consults on storytelling worldwide in sectors such as climate, governance, charities, sports and the arts.

“masterly storytelling – all delivered at a pace which meant there was never a dull moment”.

Culture Whisper

“Clare Muireann Murphy’s beautiful lilting Irish voice was in stark contrast to the darkly humorous stories she told us, and she her first-rate comic physicality only served to enhance her storytelling.”

Everything Theatre

Die Erzählperformance findet in englischer Sprache statt.
Eine Veranstaltung, die im Rahmen des Zertifikatskurses „Künstlerisches Erzählen – Storytelling in Art and Education“ präsentiert wird.

Um Ticketreservierung wird gebeten unter ziw004@intra.udk-berlin.de

regulär: 10 €
ermäßigt: 8 € (Studierende und Teilnehmende des aktuellen Zertifikatskurses „Künstlerisches Erzählen – Storytelling in Art and Education“)