Richard Martin
15.03.2021, 20 Uhr
Richard Martin

Richard’s last in-person performance was in South Tyrol. The date, February 2020 – a week before the appearance there of the mysterious illness which was to change our lives.

Yet Richard’s last twelve months have been full of storytelling – as he has learnt to adapt this ancient art to the digital medium.

This evening presents a few of the tales which have come from that experience.

Tickets here on eventbrite

Bio Richard Martin

Originally from England, but now based in Germany, Richard has performed professionally around the world for over 30 years. The folk tales he tells – sometimes comic, sometimes bawdy, sometimes profound fairy tales – reflect the full range of our human nature. These stories remind us, for better or worse, of who we are.

His extensive website features a free video gallery of over a hundred tales:


Richard Martin ist der Special Guest der Erzählbühne, die wegen der Corona-Pandemie digital stattfindet. Richard wird größtenteils in englischer Sprache erzählen. Im Anschluss gibt es eine offene Erzählbühne, da kann selbstverständlich wieder deutsch gesprochen werden!

Tickets auf Spendenbasis gibt es bei eventbrite hier.