Boglárka Klitsie-Szabad – The Invisible Beauty of Acceptance (En)


Boglárka Klitsie-Szabad's new programme with personal stories, reminiscences and folklore texts - premiering in Germany.

von 20:45 bis 21:45

Freilichtbühne auf der Kulturinsel, Ernst-Thälmann-Park

Danziger Str. 103, 10405 Berlin

The invisible beauty of acceptance (in english)

The world around us is a set of impressions, stimuli, new and old images, – and deep down – memories. A reflection – of the mirror – is something that, although it seems unchanged for a long time, is constantly evolving. What do we do with these pictures? How do we look at our own face in the mirror? Is the individual able to „create order“ among the important or seemingly insignificant moments of the past? Is there anything worth changing? Is it possible to beautify or improve a given moment? Boglárka Klitsie-Szabad searches for the answers to the questions above through personal stories, reminiscences and folklore texts in her new programme first to be seen in Germany.

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